Challenge 9: Bare-Faced

This week I decided to attempt a challenge that is definitely out of my comfort zone, but something that I’ve always wanted to do to see if it is beneficial in any way.  I challenged myself to not wear makeup for the week.  This may be something that a lot of people do anyway, but I’ve always been insecure about the imperfections and acne on my face that I’ve had since middle school, so I tend to throw on at least a little bit of makeup most of the time.  My routine is pretty simple; B.B. cream, bronzer, blush, and mascara, but it still consumes some time in the morning that I could be using elsewhere.  Another reason I wanted to try this challenge is because I was curious if laying off the face makeup for a bit would help my acne and therefore make me feel more comfortable about wearing no makeup more often.

Day 1:  Today I had work before class, and normally I’m rushing out the door to get to work because I overslept and have to get dressed and do my makeup.  However, today I got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and was ready in an impressive amount of time.  Taking makeup out of the equation gave me time to actually relax for 5 minutes and grab some breakfast before leaving the house.  Since I work at a salon, there are mirrors everywhere, and it felt weird to keep getting a glance at my bare face.  I seriously felt like a naked mole rat.  I know it’s something I need to work on, but makeup makes me feel so much more confident when around other people, and being at work without it felt like I just wasn’t myself.

is that what i look like meryl streep GIF


Day 2:  Like I said, most of the time I throw on a little bit of makeup in the morning, especially if I have a pimple that looks like it could actually speak (which is a lot of the time), but there are some times where I’m just too lazy to, especially if it’s just to go to class.  All I had to do today was go to one class, so I slept until noon, rolled out of bed and got changed, and got on the bus.  The major plus side to not wearing makeup is how quick it seems to get ready before leaving the house.  Although my little makeup routine doesn’t take longer than 5 minutes, it still is a process and sometimes feels like forever when I’m in a groggy state and have no motivation to go to work or class.  While sitting in class without makeup, I looked around and realized that A LOT of girls weren’t wearing makeup either, and although their skin wasn’t perfect and their lashes weren’t 8 miles long, they still had smiles on their faces and wore cute outfits and looked super pretty.  I wondered if anyone thought the same about me.  Then I realized I was in sweatpants and a huge sweatshirt and looked like the grim reaper so… prob not.

set it off shrug GIF

Day 3:  Today is my first day home from break, and also Thanksgiving Eve, which means it’s time to see a lot of people from high school that I’d rather gauge my eyes out than come in contact with, but for some reason force myself to do it anyway.  In my town there is a big Thanksgiving Reunion at a local tavern the night before Thanksgiving, and EVERYONE goes.  So you can probably understand why I want to cry at the fact that I can’t wear any makeup.  Deep down we all want to come home from school and show everybody how well we’re doing and how good we look, especially because my ex was going to be there and ya know.  But I stuck with my challenge and didn’t wear makeup, which again decreased my getting ready time to like, 3 minutes, which was nice.  When we got there, everyone honestly treated and looked at me like they normally would, I didn’t notice any weird looks or comments like I expected to.  I’m sure some people thought to themselves, oof she really let herself go.  But hey, I had a lot of fun regardless and didn’t have to worry about my makeup sliding off my face halfway through the night.  I also wore a cute outfit and did my hair, which definitely are confidence boosts that help when you’re feeling a little doubtful about your face.

queen sugar #gimmesugar GIF by OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network


Day 4:  Now Thanksgiving is already a day where most of us feel pretty gross, because if you’re doing it right you have a food baby an hour into the family gathering, and usually bury your face in a pillow immediately after dinner and mess up your hair and face anyway.  So I wasn’t really opposed to the whole no makeup thing, especially because it’s just family and they have seen me at my most horrifying looking.  So I took full advantage of getting ready quicker than the rest of my family, and patiently waiting to go have a good time with my loved ones and not give a shit about how I looked.  When we got to my uncles and saw all my cousins looking all pretty I kinda realized I’m an idiot because now I’d feel like a toad if we took any pictures.  This challenge taught me that I should wear makeup whenever I feel comfortable, and made me question if taking 5 minutes in the morning was really a huge cost to pay if it made me feel more confident and ready to take on the day.  I can definitely do without wearing makeup to class, but when I’m going out, I’d rather take the time to throw on some makeup, because when you look your best you definitely feel your best and it can turn a bad day into a not so bad one.

cat makeup GIF

7 thoughts on “Challenge 9: Bare-Faced

  1. I agree that spending a little extra time to do your makeup in the morning when you’re doing something special is a real confidence booster. Back in high school I went through a phase where I would BEAT my face every morning but it made my skin break out and I eventually got super lazy. Now, I usually never wear makeup because I think natural looks so good on everyone.

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  2. I almost always wear some form of makeup and when I leave the house with nothing on I feel a little gross but then when I sit in class and can rub my eyes I feel amazing!! This was really funny and super relatable because I love makeup but am eternally lazy.

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  3. Wearing makeup definitely boosts my confidence as well and just makes me feel more put together, even if it’s just a little mascara. I love that you still sticked to your challenge despite the Thanksgiving get together. I know I would have gave up at that point lol. I really enjoyed reading your post!

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  4. I find it so funny how this was your challenge because I literally just promised my self I would try a little harder into my appearance, especially with makeup! Whenever I were makeup it makes me feel like a different persona and, as I have been trying to escape reality lately, it seems like the best decision ahah. I’m really proud that you stuck it out and made it through, even though I know it was tough! I might come to you for some tips since I’m not trying to look like a troll 🙂

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  5. I am PROUD you made it through Thanksgiving Eve without giving into temptation, honestly I was expecting that paragraph to finish with “so I just threw some one before I left” but you did it and that’s amazing!! I used to spend all my time putting on a face before going almost anywhere. I feel like the older I get, though, the less I care about doing makeup for class or going to the mall or whatever. Definitely a must when I go out for the night though, I think you’re right, it just adds some confidence that’s a necessity. Only two more challenges left, you’re doing great!

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  6. Even though to some people going bare faced might not seem like a challenge, but plenty of us girls know that it’s scary sometimes!! I liked reading this post because I almost always wear makeup when I leave my house to do anything and it takes up a lot of my time before class that I could use to get a little extra sleep. I’m starting to feel more comfortable not wearing makeup to class and this post helped making me feel better about that.

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